Monday 5 August 2013

Miscegenation: Crime of the Century

This is the worst thing that can be done ever.  Miscegenation is a violation of time, space, nature and reality. A foul, putrid crime that should be forever forgotten and buried along with the byproduct: halfbreeds.
  Behold the ugliness of the various monstrosities of the Jewish-made catastrophe.

The Mulatto. An ugly, diseased freak. Half-negro half-human, it is often considered to be okay for this abomination to walk the earth. Little could be said for this misfit. Truly undeserving of life and freedom, only hellfire and slavery are ideal for one of this rank. Soiled of blood and therefore landless, this shitskin has no true homeland. It belongs nowhere, and should have no home to dwell. It should be deprived of rest, food, and drink until it withers away. Unless it proves itself as a worthy serf. That job is the only one for this clay-skinned loser.

The Eurasian: Even uglier than the one above. This sorry excuse of a fuck is somehow allowed to walk amongst normal people. If I ruled the land, I would sentence this cretin to live in Antarctica for 40 years to waste it's worthless existence. Nothing is worse than to have a pathetic waste of a human being like this. Look at it's uneven eyes, it's distorted face, the grotesque cheekbones. The skin is the colour of dirt and dust. O please, someone punish it for the crime of living.                                                      


 What could be any more pathetic than a halfling who believes he is actually Hispanic. This sad subhuman thing is known as a mestizo and it simply wants to steal your job, life, land, and food. They live in shitty countries of their own making, and ruin all places where they live. If anymore come to America they will destroy the entire country with their disease-spreading lack of hygiene, inability to speak anything other than Spanish [or even worse-Mayan nonsense], and looking like a horse's asshole. They stink, steal, kill, and rape. They are also incredibly violent and believe in Aztlan Revenge. The media claims that whites are racist, but it is actually the subhuman filth like this that actually preaches the phrase "for the race everything, for those outside nothing." These maggots are so callous that they killed all the blacks in Los Angeles. Soon they may kill the humans even though hardworking European-Americans give them the cash that they need to survive seeing how they are too lazy to get a job.

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