Monday 5 August 2013

Listen up you spics and niggers, I have some news for your half-breed fucker-children.
You are not real human beings. You are a disease upon the face of the earth. You are slime. Your filth has spread across the face of the world and you must be stopped. You are nothing. You have no history, no culture, no name, no life, no meaning at all. You are not even human. You are scum. You live in a toilet of junk and gristle. You can not say anything in defense as you have not any place to stand. Want to live in my country? There is more to be one of my kind than to speak a language or know the culture. You must share blood to be on my side. You may claim relations to my kind but since one of your parents fucked a monkey or a space alien you can say as much as nil. The fact that one of you who reads this mandate of the gods shall know that being an African ape makes one unable to be anything else than an African ape. There is nothing to say. The traits that are a part of my kind's specialization are newly evolved things that can be easily swept away into the genetic mess that is the negro.  

  Exhibit A. Mulatto.
This half-caste loser is an example of the niggerization that happens when a real human betrays their race for the sake of bestiality. This monster should be stoned or at least abandoned in Siberia. This child of abominable discourse is only definable by the insult of fuck-freak. The mulatta if one could call it that, is not as retarded as the pure-blooded African fauna but is still comparable to the chicken in intelligence. The mulatta is an accursed beast that has no place in this world. Neither in Africa amongst the absence of civilisation and science nor the sophisticated cities of Europe is the half-caste accepted. The twat forever wanders in disillusion as a tare among the wheat. A scar upon the lineage of humanity and the bloodline of the ape-people. A cosmic mistake. A monstrous, little bitch indeed. Deserving of a benevolent demise that is fully justifiable by the great laws of Wotan the All-Father. Little good can be said of this dog other than the possibility that it has a smaller likelihood of catching the sickle cell disease, one of the flaws of the malaria-afflicted natives of the worst continent ever. May Mjollnir smite it's hideous face.

 Exhibit B. Eurasian
 Another piece of living trash, this alien from Mars is a freak that deserves nothing but a good trip to Hel. It is a nasty and horrid fact that these retarded freaks even exist. I sincerely hope that these floppy-lipped mongoloid she-beasts can leave America and never return. Even if they never set foot in their ancestral land[s] they should be deported there without haste. This particular animal is a mere case of debauchery in it's worst form; namely that of the xenophilia that permeates the neo-retro-metro, sexually-controlled, matriarchal, politically correct madness that threatens to engulf America and the rest of the civilized world. Unfortunate souls born into this sphere of influence believe that these mongols are advanced and intelligent-having engineered all forms of science, technology, and mathematics in a way that makes them smarter than all others. What utter balderdash. Any true historian would know that science was born through the humble work of the wise Teutons and the magnificent civilizations of Greece, Italy, and England. The mongoloid bastards that probably spawned this wench are con-artists who parrot phrases and learn everything by memory alone. They lack the capacity for rational debate and never solve their own problems. Everything in the east is stolen and copied from the west. Everything from cartoons, food, and basic understanding of time and infrastructure were taken from Europe. These yellow bastards are responsible for the downfall of Rome and the creation of money. A horridly terror of Homo erectii.    

Exhibit C. Mestizo
This is an example of a filthy, little ghetto rat. This scum is unworthy of any dwelling in a civilized land as it will indefinitely bring misery to the good people of America. Gaze upon the puke-coloured skin of this nameless being. Notice the stark difference between a true human and the mongrel. The appearance of the injun is the only thing seen in this savage. Truly no other word can describe the mestizo. Savage. Everywhere from gangs of wannabe hispanics roaming los angeles to the half-breed having a house of icy blocks in Greenland, these useless imbeciles are breeding the "gringos" out of existence. They are not but nasty flies trying to suck the juices from the fruits of a good tree so that the beneficial and honest people could have none. Few vermin are as lowly as the mestizo and his gang of "hatcha-ma-boola."

 There are so many reasons why this strain of genetic pollution should never occur. These brats are siphoning off the life of America and turning it into a third world country without electricity, food, or water. They are the reason behind the stress and ruin of the American dream. It is they who should be breed out of existence not the people whom built the world as it is. The same people who created the wheel and grew their own food instead of hunting wildlife.

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